Workplace Culture
Improving Risk Management Company-Wide
In order for organizations to effectively manage the variety of evolving risks that threaten to disrupt their ability to function, risk management responsibilities can not fall solely on the shoulders of risk managers or even entire risk management departments.
October 17, 2023
Workplace Culture
Tactics to Develop a Year-Round Employee Appreciation Plan
A year-round employee appreciation plan is a great way to show your employees that you value their contributions and are committed to their success. By developing a plan tailored to their needs and preferences, you can help boost morale, motivation, and productivity within the organization. Use the tactics outlined above to create a plan that works for your organization and your employees, and watch as your team becomes more engaged, motivated, and successful – not just on the first Friday in March each year but throughout the year.

Workplace Culture
Welcome back to the office: Tele-work continues to decrease at rapid rates
During the pandemic, the majority of the American workforce grew to love the new flexibility of working remotely and the freedom that it offers. Trends have continued to show workers being asked to move back into the office. A new study from the Department of Labor shows that the percentage of workers teleworking officially declined significantly in 2022 over 2021. In July–September 2021, 40% of private-sector establishments had employees teleworking some or all of the time. A year later, in August–September 2022, that number had decreased to 27.5%.
April 21, 2023