Industry News

Industry News
How To Thrive in the Rapidly Changing Insurance Industry
The theme of the 2023 Global Insurance Symposium held in Des Moines, Iowa was “Thriving In A Changing World."
June 30, 2023
Industry News
$44 Million in New Federal Job Training Grants for Rural Communities
Targeted, low-income areas of the country were selected where the new funding will mostly go to further the reach and efficacy of existing organizations in those regions who are helping to build a stronger local workforce.
April 18, 2023
Industry News
Farmers Insurance Back-to-Office Push Faces Pushback
Getting employees back into the office, even on a hybrid schedule, has been easier said than done for a lot of companies of late.
June 9, 2023
Industry News
Fed Announces Quarter-Point Interest Rate Increase
The article reports on the announcement by the Federal Reserve of a quarter-point interest rate increase. It discusses the factors that led to this decision, the potential impact on the economy and financial markets, and what it means for employers and individuals.
Abbey Dean
February 2, 2023
Industry News
Flood Insurance Rates Triple - And It’s Not Just Florida
The new FEMA Risk Rating 2.0 methodology has led to skyrocketing flood insurance rates in more than just the coastal states.
May 11, 2023
Industry News
Human Resources State Of The Union
The human resources field has been steadily expanding for the better part of a decade now, with nearly 980 thousand HR employees spread out across the US by the end of 2023. This is a credit to the increasing realization that a dedicated people strategy, proper talent management, employee retention and appropriate communication can have on an organizations 1. mission and 2. financials.
March 4, 2024
Industry News
Long COVID Could Cost the Economy $3.7 Trillion
CNBC recently reported that long COVID-19 or long COVID, a term used for long-term effects of COVID-19, could cost the U.S. economy a whopping $3.7 trillion.
Abbey Dean
January 5, 2023
Industry News
Pet Insurance Scores Big With Top Talent
When it comes to recruiting and retaining the best employees, especially among Millennials, pet insurance can be an impactful factor.
May 23, 2023
Industry News
Property & Casualty Insurance - Underwater in 2022
Extreme weather events and pandemic-related claims were chief among the reasons that the Property & Casualty insurance industry experienced significant losses last year.
Industry News
SCOR Reports Significant Net Loss for 2022
The article reports on SCOR, a global reinsurance company, which announced a significant net loss of €671 million for 2022 due to various factors such as COVID-19 related claims and natural catastrophes. The company is taking steps to improve its performance, including increasing its prices and reducing its exposure to certain risks.
Abbey Dean
March 3, 2023
Industry News
Tax Exempt Status Is Saving Non-Profit Hospitals About $28 billion Per Year
A KFF study compares the value of the community benefits provided by non-profit hospitals to the forgone tax receipts that would've been generated absent their non-profit, tax exempt status.
Industry News
The Future of the Hybrid Work Model
For most companies, regardless of industry and size, adopting a hybrid working environment is a significant departure from the traditional model.
December 16, 2022
Industry News
The Reinsurance Rebound of 2022
Return on equity is up in the reinsurance market, which is partly explained by improved underwriting but is also in part the result of the reduced value of underlying assets and shareholder equity.
April 17, 2023
Industry News
These Tax Breaks Are Spurring More Small Businesses to Offer 401k Plans to Employees
Is your small business taking advantage of the tax credits made available by the recently enacted SECURE Act?
May 3, 2023
Industry News
Top Conferences for Employee Benefits Professionals
Here's a list of some of the best conferences in the US for employee benefits professionals to attend, especially with regard to self-funding.
May 24, 2023
Industry News
UPDATE: COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Suspended
Last week, we updated our readers that the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine mandate was set to go into effect early January 2022.
December 16, 2022
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