There are a number of changes to Federal Law - including updated mileage reimbursement rates and workplace safety standards - that took effect when the new year began, January 1st, 2024.
- IRS Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase: The Internal Revenue Service raised the rate at which miles driven for business purposes are reimbursed up to $0.67 per mile for 2024, which is an increase of 1 and a half cents per mile over the 2023 mileage reimbursement rate of $0.65. As a reminder, this reimbursement rate is a recommendation and sets a generalized standard but is not required or enforceable.
- OSHA Electronic Submission Reporting Requirements: In addition to submitting form 300A, firms that have at least 100 employees and operate in industries that have been designated as hazardous must electronically submit data from their injury and illness logs. According to the general submission timeline, submissions regarding incidents that occurred during the calendar year of 2023 will be due on March 2, 2024.
- Minimum Wage Increase for Federal Contractors: For federal contracts that fall under Executive Order 13658, which were entered into on or after January 1, 2015, employees must now be paid a minimum of $12.90 per hour for wage workers and $9.05 per hour for tipped workers. Minimum wage for employees servicing contracts that fall under Executive Order 14026, which were entered into on or after January 30, 2022, is now set at $17.20 per hour for all employees, and contractors are no longer permitted to pay a lower rate to tipped workers under contracts governed by this Order. You can click here for an additional resource from the Department of Labor to help differentiate and distinguish between federal contracts that fall under Executive Order 13658 and Executive Order 14026.
You can find additional information about the new IRS mileage reimbursement rate changes, OSHA electronic submission requirements, and minimum wage increases for federal contractors, including frequently asked questions about Executive Order 13658 and Executive Order 14026, in the embedded links.