Scottsdale, Arizona
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Acrisure is a global Fintech leader that combines the best of humans and high tech to offer multiple financial products and services to millions of businesses and individual clients. We connect clients to solutions that help them protect and grow what matters, including Insurance, Reinsurance, Cyber Services, Mortgage Origination and more. Acrisure employs over 16,000 entrepreneurial colleagues in 21 countries and has grown from $38 million to $4 billion in revenue in just over ten years. Our culture is defined by our entrepreneurial spirit and all that comes with it: innovation, client centricity and an indomitable will to win. Ad...
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Employer size expertise:
1 - 50
51 - 250
This information was provided by Mployer and is based on publicly available information made available by employers, brokers and carriers. While efforts are made to validate and confirm the information, there could be inaccuracies. All information and ratings are based on Mployer’s opinion only and should be one of many factors used when evaluating brokers. If there are any inaccuracies in the information, please reach out to Mployer using the contact us form and we will review your submission and make changes as we deem appropriate.