Big Investment Services

Big Investment Services

Dover, Delaware


2 Reviews

Big Investment Services, headquartered in Dover, DE, is a small investment advisory firm specializing in managing assets for individuals and employer 401Ks. With a total of five employees, including one dedicated investment advisor, the firm boasts an impressive average of $40,560,000 in assets under management per advisor. The compensation structure at Big Investment Services is diverse, incorporating various methods such as a percentage of assets under management and performance-based fees. This multi-tiered approach ensures that the firm aligns its interests with those of its clients while promoting consistent growth. Big I...see more

Assets Under Mgmt


Investment Professionals




% 401K & Individual


% Discretionary


Compensation Structure

  • A percentage of assets under your management

Services Provided Section

  • Financial Planning Services
  • Portfolio management for individuals and/or small businesses

Reviews for Big Investment Services


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