Jamie Polen

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Jamie Polen is a respected journalist for his insight on the economy, employee benefits, and compliance. In addition to his professional expertise, he is humbly a talented musician with the ability to pick up almost any instrument and play - a skillset which benefits his ability to write music for a number of artists effectively well. Born and raised in North Carolina, Jamie now resides in Nashville with his wife, son, and his dog named Fried Chicken. Jamie went to undergrad at UNC Chapel Hill and Wake Forest University for his MBA and law degree.

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Employee Benefits
Employee Benefits
Each month, Mployer Advisor collects and presents some of the most relevant and interesting data, information, and insight we've encountered over the past month covering areas related to employee benefits.
Jamie Polen
Recruiting & Hiring
Recruiting & Hiring
When recruiting, training, and optimizing Gen Z, business as usual isn’t going to cut it.
Jamie Polen
The latest economic release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the U.S. added 353 thousand new jobs last month, while the unemployment held steady at 3.7%.
Jamie Polen
Employee Benefits
Employee Benefits
Employee benefits have become not only an increasingly large component of total compensation packages, but they have also in many ways come to symbolize the degree of interest that an employer maintains in the well-being and productive longevity of their workers.
Jamie Polen
Employee Benefits
Employee Benefits
In the digital age, where transparency and corporate reputation are increasingly scrutinized, the significance of an employer's Glassdoor rating has become a topic of much debate. Glassdoor, a platform where current and former employees anonymously review companies, has transformed into a crucial tool for job seekers and a barometer for companies' workplace cultures.
Jamie Polen